Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Worst Movie Ever: Let's just get this out of the way - At one point, my answer would have been "A Night at the Roxbury". That was just horrible and I didn't think it could get any worse. That was replaced early this year by the worst thing ever committed to film, "Napoleon Dynamite". Just the thought of it makes me feel dumber for having sat through that entire flick. It was one of those situations where you have to keep watching because you keep thinking that there has to be some huge payoff at the end. The dialogue was moronic, and the "plot" was unclear from the word go. The only payoff was when I turned off that piece of dreck and promised never to submit myself to that torture ever again. I weep for the future when I hear people say this is the funniest movie ever made. Stupid comedy is good when there is irony and intelligence behind it. ND is just stupid.

To sum up, on a scale of 1 to 10 - this one was a -12 with a bullet, with an additional plea from the reviewer to give me a lobotomy to strike it from memory. Now I have to go shower like the guy in "The Crying Game"- I feel dirty all of a sudden.


Anonymous said...

Here's the most interesting thing about this movie... Tell someone that you saw ND and the first words out of their mouth will be "I didn't see that one, but it is supposedly really good".

I had the same thought too -- but reflecting back on the time, I can't recall having read any reviews of the movie. The PR campaign on this movie was so effective I thought it would be great without ever actually even consciously considering it or researching it. Scary.

Playing devils advocate, the characterization of ND is interesting and goofy... Outside of that, there's nothing that makes a movie out of it like a compelling story. Overall it reminds me of the time period where I stopped watching SNL regularly. They got in to a mode where it was supposed to be funny that they could act like someone, yet the skits had no real jokes or substance.

Ron said...

I tend to agree with what you said, particularly about the PR campaign. It really looked like it might be fun to watch from the commercials. Now my eyes hate me for subjecting them to that crap.

You're right on about the characters as well - they could have been interesting if there was a friggin' story. Just drives me nuts when someone gets a good idea for a character, but can't deliver a story to go along with it.

Hollywood makes me sad. It seems that the good movies that we watched in the 80's have been replaced by flicks with characters but no plot. I like stupid movies - but there has to some sort of point to the whole damn thing. Eurotrip is one of the funnier new movies I've seen in a while - the story wasn't great, but it made sense for the most part. ND was an abomination that I'd like to strike from my memory.

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