Long time, no post. Have to get back to doing this on a regular basis. Going to try and post brief reviews of movies I've seen and also keep updating regarding the family and activities.
I've recently started taking a college course again - Biology. Let me give you some advice: don't take a hard class with a lab if you've been out of school for 20+ years. I don't really care what cells are made of, memorizing this stuff is very difficult for me since I won't ever use the knowledge again. Still, it is required material. I've got one more exam this week and it will be over on Thursday.
The reason for this madness is to be able to "upgrade" my job title, and ultimately my pay. Right now, I'm performing the functions of what is called a "Site Manager", but only have the title below that. By going to school, I'm meeting one of the requirements for the position, the intention of getting a bachelor's degree. Yay.
The kids have both been playing softball or baseball this year. The boy's season is over, he did really well in coach pitch. He can throw it a mile, although not always where he wants it to go, and fields pretty decently as well. The girl's season is still going on, she has a game Tuesday night at 7:15 and then a tournament next week. She's a pitcher and first baseman and really good at both. She's also a good hitter, but hasn't really crushed one this year like she has in the past. I'm hoping for her to break out and damage the ball in her last few games.
At home in our "spare time", the wife and I are playing a ton of Guitar Hero II, GH III, GH: Aerosmith and Rock Band. We don't have the drums or microphone any more, but that's okay. Maybe when GH comes out with their drums and such we might re-visit. In the meantime, we're rocking it out on the guitars.
Really looking forward to "The Dark Knight". Hopefully, they haven't shown all the really good stuff in the trailers.
Watched "Superhero Movie" the other night - it was okay. Leslie Nielsen can still crank out a fart joke like no one else.
Just purchased the "Rocky" collection, including "Rocky Balboa" for $25 - even including the stinker "Rocky V" that is still a good deal. Haven't watched it yet, hope to do it later in the week.
That's probably enough for now, if you made it this far, you must really be bored. I'll try to post again later in the week.
Enthusiastic reviews of things that are good: Things that suck get what they deserve..... it won't be pretty. All that and miscellaneous inane ramblings. What more could you ask for?
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