Sunday, October 26, 2008

I may be the worst blogger ever. 

Anyway, lots of things going on lately, haven't had much time to devote to outside interests. Where to start?

We've moved.  We had our house on the market on and off for the last couple of years, someone finally put an offer on it that we could live with. That meant we needed a new place to move to. We looked at about 5 houses, but we ended up coming back to one we had looked ab a couple of times. We moved in to the new place September 24th

The new house is gigantic (about 3400 sq. feet). Among other things, it has a hot tub outside just off the deck and a large basement with a bedroom and bathroom (Kennedy's dungeon, I like to call it in my head). My favorite feature is the huge living room - we may need to purchase more furniture. 

After much gnashing of teeth, I decided to sell my 2001 Nissan Sentra (sorry Greg, if this is how you find out). It was still pretty low on the miles, but it was a huge problem as I was the only one that wanted to drive it. 

Gnash even more - we decided that the Dodge Stratus also wasn't a vehicle we wanted any more, so off to the car dealer we went. We looked at a Dodge Avenger (nice style, but underpowered). We looked at a Chrysler Sebring - nice car, decent power, but needed to look around a little more. Ended up at the Ford dealer and bought a silver Ford Fusion. It is a pretty sweet car. Has all the Sync features, 18" sport wheels and Sirius radio (for 6 months). I've had it 15 days now, it has gotten many comments from people as to how it looks. I like it a lot.

Finally upgraded the office at work. We moved from a location that was hot all the time to a location where it is cold all the time - the basement. It doesn't bother me that much, but poor Jenny is always cold. I'm going to look into an electric heater for her, as I'd like to make it a decent place to work. 

TV - Been watching "Fringe", which is based on "fringe science". Pretty good so far, we'll see whether that continues. Also, have been watching "True Blood" on HBO. It is about vampires becoming part of regular society and it pretty interesting. I LOL at some point during every episode, even though it isn't a comedy. The situations are pretty funny (one guy used some vampire blood as a substitute for Viagra and it ended up with a trip to the ER - "If symptoms persist for more than 4 hours, seek medical attention"). LMAO

Movies - looking forward to the new Bond movie and also Zach and Miri

That's all for now, hope I didn't bore anyone. 

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